How to Reheat Bacon In A Skillet

Leftover bacon is delicious in salads or sandwiches. But what about cooking it again?

There are several ways to rewarm leftover bacon without losing flavor, and using a cast iron skillet is a great way to do it.

You might think that reheating bacon is a great way to reuse perfectly good food. That is so true!  Using a skillet, or a griddle, you can get exceptionally good-tasting bacon; it tastes fresh just as if it was cooked from scratch.

Top 9 Latest Techniques for Reheating Bacon in A Skillet in 2024

  1. The key to reheating bacon properly is to reheat it on both sides. If you don’t do that, you’ll end up with soggy bacon.
  2. Pre-warm the skillet over medium heat.
  3. Flip the pieces halfway through cooking.
  4. You can use the same skillet for multiple batches of bacon.
  5. – Bacon needs to be reheated for 2 to 3 minutes per side.
  6. Be careful not to burn the bacon if you want it to taste like real bacon.
  7. – Use a nonstick or seasoned cast iron skillet if possible.
  8. Spread the bacon out in the skillet rather than overlapping pieces.
  9. Use Tongs to Handle The Bacon

If you would like fat reduced reheated bacon, use an air fryer.

Reheating Bacon In A Skillet A Top The Empire State Building
Reheating Bacon In A Skillet A Top The Empire State Building

Method – How To Reheat Bacon in A Skillet

– This method works well for reheating bacon strips, streaky crunchy bacon and Canadian Style also.  I see no reason why it would not work on Irish Bacon, but I have not tried it. A similar way is to use a panini press to warm up leftover bacon also.

Step 1: Take the bacon out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you want to warm it up.

Step 2: Set a good quality skillet over medium heat for around 3-4 minutes to pre-heat it.

Step 3: If possible, reheat the bacon in its own fat; you do not need to add more oil.

Step 4: Space the bacon out so that it is not under or overlapping other slices.

Step 5: Heat for 2 minutes it should be just starting to sizzle

Step 6: Turn the bacon over and continue heating for another 3 minutes until it is sizzling well

Step 7: If you are reheating thin streaky bacon, it will take a little less time, whereas thicker bacon, like Canadian style, will take a little longer.

Use Gas On Medium Heat Setting To  Re-Cook Left Over Bacon On a Skillet or Pan
Use Gas On Medium Heat Setting To Re-Cook Left Over Bacon On a Skillet or Pan

No need to rest the bacon serve it quite quickly, as it tends to cool down in about 5-10 minutes.

If the bacon is a little too fatty, you can take a paper towel to absorb some ot the fat before eating.

What Is the Best Type of Skillet To Reheat Bacon

I’ve been using cast iron pans for a long time now, and without a doubt, a cast iron skillet is the best for reheating. Once you have them up to heat, you will find that it not only holds the warmth but distributes it evenly, which is important when reheating thin meat like bacon.

Cast iron skillets are amazing tools for cooking, especially when it comes to getting bacon out without sticking.

How To Make Reheated Skillet Bacon More Tasty

Add some black cracked and just a small amount of red pepper flakes at the end of the reheating process.

How To Make Crispy Reheat Bacon in a Skillet

The best thing about re-frying bacon in a cast iron pan is that you don’t need to use a hot pan to make sure the bacon is crispy. This is because the cast iron conducts heat well and heats evenly. If you place the bacon in the pan without making it too hot first, the grease inside the pan will start to melt, releasing the grease and, in turn, making the bacon crispy.

See how professional chefs make bacon crisp.

All you need to do is flip the bacon once it starts to brown, and it will remain crispy and hot in the skillet.

Final Words

In my opinion, there is no better way to cook bacon than in a cast iron skillet. There are many reasons why I love this method.

  • First off, you don’t need to use oil to fry the bacon because the pan itself is already coated with fat.
  • Secondly, I like having a little extra control over the amount of grease I’m using.
  • And finally, I think the flavor just gets better and better as the bacon cooks.