Why Are My Carrots Slimy

Carrots are incredibly versatile vegetables, they can work in pretty much any dish or salad, you’re making. That being said a lot of people have noticed that after storing them, they become slimy to work with later.

This led to questions, like “why are my carrots slimy?” and “can I still eat them?”. So, this guide is going to provide the answers to those and shed light on what to do after you find them that way too.

What Is the Slime on My Carrot?

Unfortunately, we’re sad to tell you that the slime on those carrots is due to the presence of mold and that they’ve started the rotting process.

This happens due to storage issues either at home or from when they were transported to the supermarkets where you got them from.

The slime is essentially the carrots trying to combat dehydration and other elements it has faced but it also accelerated the rotting process too.

That being said there’s still a difference between when there’s a slimy surface on normal carrots and baby carrots.

Slimy Carrots Are More Than Just Wet
Slimy Carrots Are More Than Just Wet

Without Protection

Baby carrots are usually already peeled and ready for consumption. 

That removal of the outer layer can put the carrot at higher risk since its inner core is now exposed to all kinds of different elements.

Protected, at Least for a While

On the other hand, regular carrots still have their outer layer of skin, which still preserves it, at least for longer periods of time.

Can I Eat A Slimy Carrot
Can I Eat A Slimy Carrot

Cant I Still Eat It?

While it’s better that you don’t, there are other factors that you need to consider before taking this step.

Essentially, they are a few sensory examinations of those carrots that make sure that they are still suitable for consumption.

Sense of Touch

The first thing to look out for is the state of the carrots’ surface. 

What’s meant by that is there will be parts of the carrots that will be incredibly tender and soft, while others will other places retaining their firm exterior.

Those are gone and the internal parts of the carrots have already started to rot meaning that they aren’t suitable to be eaten.

Sense of Smell

Another element to consider is their smell, if they have the smell of chlorine or bleach on them, then they’re also rotten and need to be thrown out.

Is There a Way to Protect the Carrots from It?

A fix for this situation is not the answer but rather prevention. Yes, you can try to wash off the slime and peel off some of the skin, however, that slime comes from within the carrots themselves.

That being said if you’re still adamant about eating them after washing them, it’s recommended that you cook them so that the heat would kill any bacteria inside them.

Baby Carrots

So the way to help prevent that from happening in the case of baby carrots is:

  1. Remove them from the package they come in when you get home.
  2. Put them in a glass jar full of clean water to keep them hydrated.
  3. Put the jar in the fridge, making them suitable for consumption for up to four to five days.

Regular Carrots

When it comes to prolonging that of regular carrots, you either follow the steps of the baby carrots. 

  • Another way is to keep them in their plastic-wrapped trays with having some little holes in the wrapping to let the air circulate.
  • Just remember to also cut off the green part of the carrot because they take away some of the moisture from the rest of the vegetables.