Can You Freeze Cheese Balls

Freezing Cheese Balls: A Quick Guide

Wondering if you can freeze cheese balls?

The answer is yes but with some caveats.

Freezing can affect your cheese balls’ texture and flavor, so following our guidelines is important for the best results.

I have successfully frozen cheese balls many times – so follow my top tips below to get the best results.

I will often serve my cheese balls with garlic bread for a family gathering.


You can freeze cheese balls, but it alters their texture and flavor just a little. Ensure they are well sealed to reduce freezer burn.

Why Freeze Cheese Balls?

Freezing cheese balls extends their shelf life and reduces waste.

Plus, the cheese mixture is not too bad when thawed; I usually put a little more black pepper on my thawed homemade cheese balls.

It’s a convenient way to prepare a delicious snack for any occasion.

Here is a great Cheese Ball Recipe.

To freeze, wrap each basic cheese ball in plastic wrap or place them in an airtight container before freezing. If I am really serious about minimizing the freezing effect on crumbly cheeses, I will double-layer wrap or use an extra layer of aluminum foil.

Cheese Balls are Popular and You can make them in Advance
Cheese Balls Can Be Made In Advance Of A Party

Pre-Freezing Preparations

Before freezing, ensure they are completely cooled. Wrap each one individually in plastic wrap or place them in an airtight container. (The same with mini cheese balls).

Label each package with the date to keep track of its shelf life.

Take care when freezing a store-bought cheese ball, ensuring they are not past their use-by date.

Choosing the Right Cheese

Hard cheeses like cheddar or Parmesan freeze better than soft cheeses like cream cheese, which can become crumbly after freezing. Choose a cheese that will maintain its texture and flavor when frozen.

Freezing the Cheese Ball Mixture

Freezing the cheese ball mixture extends its shelf life and preserves the freshness of the ingredients. Place them on a tray before freezing to prevent them from sticking together.

Cheese Balls With Oce Crystals
Cheese Balls With Ice Crystals – Not Wrapped Properly

Defrosting and Serving Frozen Cheese Balls

Transfer the cheese balls to the refrigerator to defrost and let them thaw overnight. Once thawed, they’re ready to be served with their original crunchy toppings or paired with additional ingredients.

How To Reheat Frozen Cheese Balls In An Oven

Reheat frozen cheese balls in an oven preheated to 350°F (175°C) for about 10-15 minutes or in a microwave on high power for 30-60 seconds.

How Long Can You Keep Leftover Cheeseballs?

Leftover cheese balls can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
Defrosted cheese balls should be consumed within 1-2 days.

Reheated frozen cheese balls should be consumed immediately.

How Long Can You Keep Leftover, Defrosted, and Reheated Frozen Cheeseballs?

Leftover cheese balls can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Defrosted cheese balls should be consumed within 1-2 days. Reheated frozen cheese balls should be consumed immediately.

Benefits of Freezing Cheeseballs

Freezing cheese balls somewhat preserves their texture, extends their shelf life, and provides convenience. Always follow proper freezing techniques to ensure the best results.

Cheese Ball Freezing: Common Questions

How Long Does a Plain Cheese Ball Last in the Freezer?

A properly stored cheese ball can last up to 3 months in the freezer. However, consuming the cheese ball within 4 weeks of freezing is recommended for the best quality.

After this period, they may start to lose their flavor and texture, although it will still be safe to eat. 

Varieties like cream cheese balls, blue cheese, or soft cheese varieties also tend not to freeze.

Can You Freeze a Cheese Ball With Nuts?

Yes, you can freeze a cheese ball with nuts. However, remember that the nuts’ texture may change after freezing and thawing.

They may lose some of their crunchy layers, but the overall flavor should remain intact. But can still be great for holiday parties.

If you prefer a crunchy texture, consider adding the nuts after thawing and before serving.

How Do You Thaw a Frozen Cheese Ball?

The best way to thaw a frozen cheese ball is to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator and let it thaw overnight. This slow thawing process helps maintain the texture and flavor.

Avoid thawing at room temperature as it can lead to uneven thawing and potential spoilage.

Can You Refreeze a Thawed Cheese Ball?

It’s not recommended to refreeze a thawed cheese ball. Refreezing can lead to a loss of moisture, resulting in a dry and crumbly texture. It’s best only to thaw the amount you plan to consume.

How to Serve a Thawed Cheese Ball?

Once it has thawed in the refrigerator, it’s ready to serve. If it was frozen with nuts, you might want to add a fresh layer of nuts for extra crunch. Serve it with crackers, bread, or vegetables for a delicious appetizer. Do not be afraid to add extra fresh ingredients or some hot sauce.  

My secret gotos for bringing them back to life are

– Crisp cooked bacon

– Garlic Powder

– Bagel Seasoning