How Many Scallops Per Person

How Many Scallops Per Person For A Party Or Crowd

To calculate How many scallops per person when you have lots and lots of people, first, you need to also consider what other dishes or side dishes you are serving. Plus are you going to have any other shellfish or seafood available because this will alter your calculations?

If Scallop meat is your main then that will be another amount per guest.

What do scallops taste like?

No Worries – we have got you covered in our table below where we answer how do you calculate Scallops per person for

  • Scallops are my main dish – how many scallops per guest at a party
  • Scallops are one of many dishes – so how much per person for a starter. (also if you are planning on light eaters) e.g a lot of other side dishes like potato, shrimp, or roasted vegetable

Also, see our handy table below for the exact amount of scallops you need per person for 10,20,50 and 100 people.

Scallops Serving Size Per Person

How Many Scallops Per Person For A Main Or Appetizer

How many scallops per person – the answer is 3 scallops per person.

For serving an adult you should budget on 6oz of scallops per person. If you get a large-sized sea scallop – say U10 size you should serve 3 large scallops per person. Sizes are similar for farmed scallops, and wet scallops.


If the Scallops recipe is the centerpiece or main dish I would plan on 6 oz per person. So for one person, you should buy 0.4 pounds of scallops.

For a light eater, you should buy 2 medium scallops.

How Many Scallops in a pound?

There are 14 scallops in a pound.

How much scallops per person?
Scallops Serving Size Per Person

How many pounds of Scallops are in a sack of Scallops?

Each sack weighs 22lbs.

How many servings of Scallops does 5 lbs make?

A scallop recipe main dish, you could serve around 12 guests with 5lbs of scallops.

It does not matter if the raw scallop is a calico scallop or diver scallop (often the best) it is the size you use to budget how many per person.

How many scallops in 3 oz

For 3 oz of scallops, there are approximately 1.4 scallops.

A Table of How Many Scallops Per Person for a Large Group

For 10 people you will need 3 scallops per person and 30 in total

For 20 people you will need 3 scallops per person and 60 in total

For 50 people you will need 4 scallops per person and 150 in total

For 100 people you will need 4 scallops per person and 300 in total

How Many Scallops Per Serving For A Main or Entree Size

  • For an entree for 10 people you should serve 3.75 lbs of scallops or 30 large size (U100)
  • For a main for 20 people you should serve 7.5 lbs of scallops or 60 large size (U100)
  • For 50 people you should serve 18.75 lbs of scallops or 150 large size (U100)
  • For an entree for 75 people you should serve 28 lbs of scallops or 225 large size (U100)
  • For 100 people you should serve 37.5 lbs of scallops or 300 large size (U100)

How Many Scallops Per Serving For A Starter Size

  • For a starter for 10 people you should serve 3 lbs of scallops
  • For a starter for  20 people you should serve 6 lbs of scallops
  • For a starter for 50 people you should serve 15 lbs of scallops
  • For a starter for 100 people you should serve 30 lbs of scallops

How many Scallops Per Person for Different Events and Occasions

  • BBQ –  5 scallops per person
  • Tailgate Party – 4 scallops per person

What ingredients can you put in Scallops?

To enhance the flavor of your delicious scallop dish you can add

  • fresh herbs
  • lemon butter sauce
  • corn
  • shallot – they are less strong in taste than white onions
  • melted butter
  • lemon juice
  • garlic

all these add to taste when cooking, and of course, do not forget to season with salt and pepper. I love french fries or corn with my scallops.

How Long Does A Cooked Scallops Last

Leftover grilled scallops last up to 3 days in the fridge if covered in an airtight plastic wrap. If you plan to keep them longer than 3 days they should be frozen.


I am planning on serving pan-seared diver scallops as an entree on Christmas Eve? I will also have sides of mashed potato and vegetables. In addition, there will be a salad and fresh bread.

How many scallops would you serve per person? I would serve 3 per person. But if you have big eaters coming I would up it to five per person.

What size scallops are best?

The best size of scallops are U10 – they are small enough still to be juicy and sweet, but large enough that 3 u10 scallops will feed one person.

Other articles on how much seafood per person are

How much food for a big group – see our planning guide.