How to Fix Sticky Rice

How To Keep Rice From Getting Sticky After Cooking

If you’re looking for a bowl of white rice that will stick together, you’ll need to choose a variety that is high in starch. Sticky grains of rice are often used in Asian cuisine, and they are perfect for making sushi rolls or wraps. Recently western health-conscious people are also eating more brown rice.

However, not all recipes call for sticky rice. In fact, most rice dishes actually require non-sticky rice.

This is because mushy rice can be very difficult to handle and can often become inedible, just like the problem of undercooked rice, but in reverse.

If you’re making a dish that doesn’t require sticky rice, opt for a variety that is lower in starch content. Basmati or jasmine rice are both good choices.

But if you’ve ever cooked rice and ended up with a sticky, clumpy mess, you may have wondered if there’s a way to prevent it. Luckily, you can do a few things to ensure your rice turns out light and fluffy every time.

Adding In A Little Extra Cooked Rice To Fix Stick Rice
Adding In A Little Extra Cooked Rice To Fix Stick Rice

Why Is My Rice Sticky

If your rice (including brown rice) is coming out unevenly cooked, perhaps clumpy or even sticking to the pan, it could be due to a few different factors. See if brown rice takes extra time to cook over white rice.

1. Too Much Water

When cooking rice, you should use the proper ratio of water to rice. If you use too much water, the rice will be sticky. To avoid this, make sure to measure the amount of water you use and only use enough to cover the rice.

2. Not Enough Water

If you don’t use enough water, the rice will also be sticky. This is because the rice will absorb all of the water and become overcooked. To avoid this, make sure to measure the amount of water you use and only use enough to cover the rice.

3. The Wrong Varieties of Rice

Different types of rice require different amounts of water. If you use the wrong type of rice, it will be sticky. To avoid this, make sure to measure the amount of water you use and only use enough to cover the rice.

4. The Rice is Old

If the rice is old, it will be more likely to stick together. This is because the rice will have lost some of its moisture. To avoid this, make sure to use fresh rice.

5. Incorrect Cooking Method

If you don’t cook the rice properly, it will be sticky. To avoid this, make sure to follow the instructions on how to cook rice properly.

Does Stirring Rice Make It Sticky
Does Stirring Rice Make It Sticky

How To Prevent Rice To Become Too Sticky

  1. Rinse The Rice

Rinse the rice in your strainer to remove any excess starch. Next, add the rice to a pot of boiling water and let it cook for 1-2 minutes. Drain the rice and then rinse it again in cold water. Finally, cook the rice according to your recipe. If you find that your rice is still too sticky, you can add a little bit of oil or butter to it before serving. A few small bits of rice together is ok and makes it easier when you are learning how to eat rice with chopsticks.

  1. Use a Ratio of 1:1

Make sure you’re using the right ratio of water to rice. Too much water will make your rice gluey, while not enough will make it dry and crumbly. Second, cook your rice on medium heat rather than high heat.

High heat will make your rice stickier.

Third, fluff your rice with a fork before serving it. This will help separate the grains and make it less sticky. Also, fluff the rice before cooling quickly for fried rice.

Finally, add a little oil to your rice before cooking it. This will help keep the grains from sticking together.

  1. Choose The Right Rice

If you’re looking for non-sticky rice, opt for a variety that is lower in starch content. Basmati or jasmine rice are both good choices.

  1. Follow The Instructions

When cooking rice, make sure to follow the instructions on the package. This will help to ensure that the rice is cooked properly and isn’t too sticky.

5. You can sometimes losen up stuck rice with chunky seasoning.

Does Lemon Juice Keep Rice from Sticking

Just a small amount can help stop the rice from sticking – 2-3 drops per bowl of rice.
To avoid this issue, you can add lemon juice to the water that you boil the rice in.
Lemon juice contains citric acid, which prevents rice from sticking together.

How to Fix Sticky, Mushy or Gluey Rice

If your rice is too sticky and you can't seem to fix it, don't despair. Sometimes the only way to fix it is to start from scratch. But if you want to try and rescue your rice, here are a few tip to accomplish - How do you make rice not sticky after cooking
Prep Time5 minutes
Course: Main
Cuisine: Amercian
Yield: 4 Cups
Cost: $3


  • Pan
  • Strainer


  • 1 bowl Rice How to Fix Mushy Sticky Rice


  • Try stirring in some additional liquid, such as water, broth, or even just a little bit of olive oil.
    How to Fix Sticky Rice
  • If that doesn't work, you can try cooking the rice over low heat for a longer period of time.
    Low Heat Cooking Of Rice
  • And finally, if all else fails, you can try adding some cooked rice to your sticky rice.
    Adding In A Little Extra Cooked Rice To Fix Stick Rice